Sunday, 25 November 2018

Flight from Erebus - the story continues..

Part XXVI has now been added to the Flight From Erebus story.

A new part should be released every Sunday.


Friday, 16 November 2018

Two more releases on the way..

This descent into the darkness of Erebus has been a great deal of fun to work on and I have been very fortunate to have had some very talented crew members on board, for the ride.

Two more extensions are coming and the Erebus phase of our journey will be complete.  The title of the next Lost Ark album is not decided on yet but musically you can expect another shift in our sonic palette. You can expect further updated tracks from FFE on the extensions for that album.  It seems a shame not to revisit the other tracks at some point.  If I had more time, they'd have all had their own dedicated extensions but sadly the end of this phase is nigh.

Next up will be The Discovery parts 1 & 2.  Part 1 is an update on the mix from the FFE album and will lead you into the darkness, part 2 will lead you out.  The release will feature two very talented vocalists.  More will be revealed closer to the release date.  Production on both tracks is going very well but we are admittedly a little behind schedule for the release, so expect these two to drop before the year is out or at worst early in the new year.

After that, the final extension will be a remix of Five Rivers, which should ensure the FFE phase goes out with a suitably large bang.  Expect Five Rivers around February time.

I will also be writing the long overdue next section of the Flight From Erebus story soon too, expect updates to this to be posted every Sunday from here on until the end.

CQ v2.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Flight from Erebus (the unfinished story)

A long time ago, I started the story to go alongside the Flight from Erebus album.  Needless to say time has been very short to even think of completing it.  I am however determined to do so and have started to reread everything in preparation to plunge back into that dark underworld again.  I shall not consider this phase of the Lost Ark complete until the final two musical extensions - namely "The Discovery (parts 1 & 2)"; "Five Rivers (redux)" - AND the story are completed.

I cannot say exactly when the story will continue on the blog, but expect there to be new entries in the saga before the year is out.

Along with that, I am also co-authoring on a different story which I very much hope will be finished sometime next year.  Much of the planning and outline is done for this already, so I expect more news of that will follow at some point.


Sunday, 30 September 2018

Candles EP out now

The Candles EP is out now (iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and CDbaby...among others).

Candles EP on CDBaby

on Amazon

on Spotify

The EP includes collaborations with Kate Rogers, Colin Jones and Anna Wraith.

Thanks go to all collaborators above and also to Chris Aldridge and Debbie Lashley for much appreciated help with the photography.

Next release (due sometime in November) will be The Discovery parts 1 & 2. 


Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Lighting Candles

The new version of Lighting Candles in the Church of the Damned can be heard on the link below, ahead of the forthcoming release of the Candles EP.

Cooke Q's Trinity of Discord and Tribulation remix

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

CANDLES EP - update

Firstly, apologies for the lack of updates.  I have been particularly busy of late. 

The Candles EP is coming along nicely, though after some unexpected problems one of the tracks is proving a little tricky to finish off.  I had hoped to release the EP this coming weekend but it looks like it will probably have to be pushed back a few weeks, for release in September.  Many thanks go to Chris Aldridge and Debbie Lashley for their invaluable assistance with EP images (again). 

Tracks and featured artists are confirmed as follows:

1. Lighting Candles in the Church of the Damned (with Kate Rogers)
(Cooke Q's Trinity of Discord & Tribulation mix)

2. A Poison Chalice (with Colin Jones and Anna Wraith)

3. Mind Over Matter 

The EP is the third extension to the Flight from Erebus album.  A couple of further extensions are planned this year (namely The Discovery parts 1 & 2 & a new version of Five Rivers).

After that Lost Ark will be taking a well earned minibreak before venturing out of the darkness to whatever lies on the other side. 

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Flowers video - Nicci Marbles.

Here is the fab new "Flowers" video from one of Lost Ark's finest collaborators,  Nicci Marbles.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Candles EP & others update

It's been a while since I gave an update, which rest assured is only because I have been exceptionally busy working on the forthcoming Candles EP (which may become The Damned EP, dependent on how I feel about it once it is done I guess).  I can shed further light on the release.

The EP will feature three tracks, which are confirmed as:

1. Lighting Candles in the Church of the Damned (with Kate Rogers) - a new mix of the track, specially for this release.

2. A Poisoned Chalice - a previously unreleased track - expect some brassy elements on this one - courtesy of a very talented guest.

3. Mind Over Matter - a remix of an older track - featuring the mesmerising voice of another very talented guest.

After the Candles / Damned EP, The Lost Ark has a couple of other dark harbours to dock at, before we leave Erebus.  These will be:

The penultimate stop:  The Discovery parts 1 & 2 - including a new version of part 1, I expect.

& finally:  Five Rivers - most definitely a new version of this one.

Echoes of Erebus may still haunt future releases from time to time too, given that tracks like The Sentinel, Demos Oneroi and Last Scene could also easily have headlined releases.  It does however feel like time for this old Ark to move on from the darkness and onto the next phase - which may or may not be the final Lost Ark album - again dependent on how I feel about it at the time.  I can absolutely say for certain that as long as I am still drawing breath, I fully intend to complete one more album at the very least.  The story would not be finished without it and indeed the long overdue continuation of the Flight from Erebus story must also be resumed too.

So lots more exciting / downright odd musical shenanigans to come, basically!

Your Captain

Cooke Q.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Another image for the Lost Ark gallery...

                                                NICCI MARBLES (Nickesha G) - vocalist on the Ouija EP.

            Work continues on the Lost Ark remix of Nicci Marble's "Flowers" - a sneak preview of the
             almost finished track can be found on this link - Nicci Marbles - Flowers (Cooke Q's Gathering the Asphodels remix)

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Future Projects

I am starting to plot a route out of the darkness for Lost Ark, as it would be foolhardy to linger here too much longer I fear. Before we can exit Erebus, there are a few other dark places that we must visit.  These will almost certainly be:

#3 - Candles EP (featuring Kate Rogers and other special guests - more on those nearer the time).

#4 - The Discovery (parts 1 & 2)

#5 - Five Rivers (remix)

After this Lost Ark will take a short hiatus, as we work on the 4th as yet untitled album.  I cannot reveal too much about this one just yet but will say that it will be the polar opposite of Flight from Erebus.

Before the Candles EP (due Summer to Autumn) there will also be a remix of Nickesha G's gorgeous track, "Flowers". 

Time permitting, I will also be recording new versions of Rockets, Original Cut and other tracks which I feel haven't quite reached their true potential just yet.

Your Captain.

Cooke Q