Sunday, 28 January 2018

Future Projects

I am starting to plot a route out of the darkness for Lost Ark, as it would be foolhardy to linger here too much longer I fear. Before we can exit Erebus, there are a few other dark places that we must visit.  These will almost certainly be:

#3 - Candles EP (featuring Kate Rogers and other special guests - more on those nearer the time).

#4 - The Discovery (parts 1 & 2)

#5 - Five Rivers (remix)

After this Lost Ark will take a short hiatus, as we work on the 4th as yet untitled album.  I cannot reveal too much about this one just yet but will say that it will be the polar opposite of Flight from Erebus.

Before the Candles EP (due Summer to Autumn) there will also be a remix of Nickesha G's gorgeous track, "Flowers". 

Time permitting, I will also be recording new versions of Rockets, Original Cut and other tracks which I feel haven't quite reached their true potential just yet.

Your Captain.

Cooke Q