Tuesday, 21 August 2018

CANDLES EP - update

Firstly, apologies for the lack of updates.  I have been particularly busy of late. 

The Candles EP is coming along nicely, though after some unexpected problems one of the tracks is proving a little tricky to finish off.  I had hoped to release the EP this coming weekend but it looks like it will probably have to be pushed back a few weeks, for release in September.  Many thanks go to Chris Aldridge and Debbie Lashley for their invaluable assistance with EP images (again). 

Tracks and featured artists are confirmed as follows:

1. Lighting Candles in the Church of the Damned (with Kate Rogers)
(Cooke Q's Trinity of Discord & Tribulation mix)

2. A Poison Chalice (with Colin Jones and Anna Wraith)

3. Mind Over Matter 

The EP is the third extension to the Flight from Erebus album.  A couple of further extensions are planned this year (namely The Discovery parts 1 & 2 & a new version of Five Rivers).

After that Lost Ark will be taking a well earned minibreak before venturing out of the darkness to whatever lies on the other side.