Sunday, 7 October 2018

Flight from Erebus (the unfinished story)

A long time ago, I started the story to go alongside the Flight from Erebus album.  Needless to say time has been very short to even think of completing it.  I am however determined to do so and have started to reread everything in preparation to plunge back into that dark underworld again.  I shall not consider this phase of the Lost Ark complete until the final two musical extensions - namely "The Discovery (parts 1 & 2)"; "Five Rivers (redux)" - AND the story are completed.

I cannot say exactly when the story will continue on the blog, but expect there to be new entries in the saga before the year is out.

Along with that, I am also co-authoring on a different story which I very much hope will be finished sometime next year.  Much of the planning and outline is done for this already, so I expect more news of that will follow at some point.