Monday, 11 November 2019

Five Rivers (Cooke Q's Plutonic Floatation remix) OUT 17th NOV.

The fifth and final extension of Flight from Erebus is out 17th Nov.  Many thanks go to Si Rollinson for the excellent guitar riffage and L.D.Roberts for the voice of Charon.

Si Rollinson (guitars)

Charon will not answer your questions, mortal.

Work will begin on Lost Ark phase 4 in the new year.  More news on that then. 

Yours eternally,

Cooke Q

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Five Rivers and beyond!

The final extension and the way out of Erebus is coming soon.

After this, it will finally be time to flip to the other side and see what lays beyond.

Your Captain


Sunday, 12 May 2019

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

The Discovery Parts 1 & 2 - release date

The Discovery Parts 1 & 2 (FFE extension #4a & b) are finished at last.

We have a tentative release date of 12th May or soon thereafter.

Parts 1 & 2 feature two very talented vocalists, Corinna Jane (part 1) and Elina Tikkanen (part 2).

Other artists featured on the release are:

Angela Cassidy (narrator - part 1)
Anna Wraith (The Voice of Progress - part 2)
Chris Aldridge (guitars - part 1)
Brittany Draper (Battle MkII - part 1)
Laurence Roberts (The Angel - part 1)

Special thanks go to Chris Aldridge (photography) and Debbie & Jade Lashley for invaluable assistance with photography and flag making.

Corinna Jane

Elina Tikkanen

More news to come on FFE extensions 4a & b soon

Friday, 12 April 2019

New Images in the Gallery

Three new images have been uploaded to the gallery.  More news on Discovery parts 1 & 2 soon.

Your Captain


Saturday, 9 March 2019

Discovery Parts 1 & 2 update

The Discovery parts 1 & 2 are almost finished.  The release (as always) has taken a little longer to get together than planned.

Rest assured, it should be out in the next couple of months. 

The final FFE extension will be a remix of Five Rivers (more about that in due course).

Things have been a little busy lately to find additional time to continue the FFE story.  I shall try and update this whenever I can.  A concerted effort to progress this will be made, once all the FFE extensions are finished and release.

Hopefully some new Discovery related images will be ready soon too. 


Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Discovery Parts 1 & 2 update

Hello fellow Arkadians.

The next release is taking longer than expected to complete, as I want to get this next release spot on for my esteemed collaborators.  We also have the main release images to sort too.  I was hoping to have it all wrapped up for the end of the year but these things nearly always take longer than expected.  Sadly I also have a day job too, which does tend to get in the way of musical things a tad.

I will just say for now that The Discovery parts 1 & 2 will be released eventually.  Following that will be the final extension of our Flight From Erebus odyssey, which will be a brand new mix of Five Rivers.  It was a toss up between that track or Last Scene, for the final extension.  We will be revisiting the runner up on a future Lost Ark release, I expect.

Now that Christmas and New Year are out of the way, I shall also endeavour to continue the FFE story, on a weekly basis and get caught up to where it should be (in preparation for album four).

Here's wishing you all a very happy New Year!

Hopefully the political class won't wipe us all out before I get to finish all this work.