Sunday, 12 May 2019

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

The Discovery Parts 1 & 2 - release date

The Discovery Parts 1 & 2 (FFE extension #4a & b) are finished at last.

We have a tentative release date of 12th May or soon thereafter.

Parts 1 & 2 feature two very talented vocalists, Corinna Jane (part 1) and Elina Tikkanen (part 2).

Other artists featured on the release are:

Angela Cassidy (narrator - part 1)
Anna Wraith (The Voice of Progress - part 2)
Chris Aldridge (guitars - part 1)
Brittany Draper (Battle MkII - part 1)
Laurence Roberts (The Angel - part 1)

Special thanks go to Chris Aldridge (photography) and Debbie & Jade Lashley for invaluable assistance with photography and flag making.

Corinna Jane

Elina Tikkanen

More news to come on FFE extensions 4a & b soon