Friday, 10 January 2020

Album 4

Work has commenced on the next Lost Ark album, which will be called The Primus Impunctus. 

It's very early days so no release date in sight for now.  It is not likely to be this year but I do hope to release something before the year is out - perhaps a single or two from the album, if ready. 

The new album will be a follow on to Flight from Erebus and function as a soundtrack to the other side of that world.  So expect something a bit different.

I'm also hoping to work with past collaborators too, so hopefully there'll be a few returning crew too.

Time permitting, I also realise it's high time album 1 aka Territorial got an overhaul and proper release.  It's been something I have wanted to revisit for a while but have not been able to commit the time to so far. 

Anyway, happy new decade folks and more news to come in due course. 


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